Fishing Information
The canal – or navigation, to give it it’s correct title- is a commercial as well as a pleasure waterway. There are various locks along its length which are large enough to take the commercial barges that transport sand and gravel to various locations. The width varies but is usually approx. 30 metres wide with other areas that are slightly narrower. The average depth is 12 feet in the main boat channel (which can be close in) but shallows up to about 6 feet in other places. The water flows gently toward Goole but can stop or back up due to lock usage.
The main target species are roach, with bags of over 30lb recorded. Bream and skimmers are in abundance along with perch and some truly humungous gudgeon. Other species that are caught to a lesser extent are trout, eels, carp, chub, rudd and tench.
Most anglers use the pole as the main method of attack but stick float, waggler and feeder tactics all work. Main baits are maggot, pinkie, squat and caster but never forget to take some hemp as this usually sorts out the better quality roach. Most anglers tend to fish these baits over a bed of groundbait.
Matches are regularly fished on the canal and any club can book a length, availability permitting, by contacting the match secretary.
Day tickets can be purchased from Costcutter Stores in Rawcliffe Bridge and Rawcliffe villages at £3 or they are also available on the bank at £6 per day.
Over 100 new fishing stations are being constructed between Heck and New Bridge at the moment to compliment the ones already situated at Beevers Bridge. These are being organised and paid for by the amalgamation themselves.
Vehicular Access
Please note that no vehicles are to be driven onto the canal bank. Park in designated car parking areas only. Thank you.
Also please note that any of the wheelchair pegs at Rawcliffe Bridge and Heck must be vacated if a wheelchair angler wishes to fish from them.
New Improvemants
We have built a new access path at Crowcroft Bridge to make accessing the bank easier and also put in two wheelchair friendly pegs at Rawcliffe Bridge. Once the car park at Great Heck is modified, we will install some more wheelchair friendly pegs there too. There are a couple of photos of this work in the gallery.
Important Info
Please be aware
Access to the canal through the Sugar Mill Ponds is now restricted, a gate has been fitted by Sugar Mill Ponds AC to stop illegal night fishing and vandalism. The gate will be unlocked at 7 am and locked at 9 pm in summer and 7am to 7pm in winter, there is a contact number on the gate for use in emergencies. Please respect and use the access sensibly.
Please note that there is now a locked gate at Beevers Bridge which has been put in place by the Canal and Rivers trust to prevent fly tipping. Keys are available from the CRT’s online Shop at a cost of £7.00
CRT online Shop at
Thank you
John Waterhouse – BACJCC treasurer